Archive | July 2014

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The 13th Step — A New and Highly Important Film — by Monica Richardson

If you have ever made a film, even a short film, you know how difficult, how costly, how emotionally draining, how all-consuming filmmaking is.  For someone who spent years in a dangerous cult religion being stripped of all human power, it is truly remarkable. Monica Richardson is about to release her full-length documentary about the […]

Never Call Yourself An “Alcoholic” or “Addict”

“Why do you hate 12 step programs so much?”  When I get asked this question, in my head I think, “Why don’t you?!?!”  Then I realize they are either ignorant, have a relative/friend in the cult, (who gives all credit for their very lives to the cult), or are a stepper (or ex-stepper), themselves.  What […]