One Day Private 12 Step Cult Religion Deprogramming Course Here!

Hello Enlightened Readers! Do you still question your self-worth, your ability to trust your thinking and decision-making, and fear for your so-called disease-doing-push-ups-in-the-parking-lot? (I mean, really how utterly gaslightingly ridiculous the notion!) You may benefit greatly from this short, brilliant, evidence-based course linked here! 

I hope you all are having a wonderful holiday season and remember if you’re not, there’s no shame in your feelings! Especially since for many of us these holidays have some shitty memories attached. Your feelings are valid! Either way, I hope this finds you well and that this course helps you in every way necessary! (I have no affiliation with them just appreciate their amazing work!)


Share everywhere and Keep Coming Back! 😉 😘

5 comments on “One Day Private 12 Step Cult Religion Deprogramming Course Here!

  1. Good idea to promote this – love the Freedom Model.

    Thought you yourself would enjoy this:

    Merry Merry and good to “see” you

  2. It works if you work it!


    Thanks for speaking the truth against the AA Cult!

    Arthur Christopher Schaper is a blogger, writer, and commentator on topics both timeless and timely; political, cultural, and eternal. A life-long Southern California resident, Arthur currently lives in Torrance. Follow his blogs at The State of the Unionhttp://aschaper1.blogspot.com/ and As He Is, So Are We Ministrieshttp://asheisministries.blogspot.com/.

    Townhall.com Contributorhttps://townhall.com/columnists/arthurschaper/

    Barbwire.com Contributorhttps://web.archive.org/web/20190621181419/http://www.barbwire.com/author/arthurschaper/

    Canada Free Press Contributorhttp://canadafreepress.com/members/1/ArthurSchaper/868

    YouTube Accounthttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCztvLMAmyXBl-APnen9RlKw

    Rumble Accounthttps://rumble.com/user/aschaper

    Email: arthurSchaper@hotmail.com

    PayPal: arthurschaper@hotmail.com

    “It does not take a majority to prevail … but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.” — Samuel Adams

  3. Excellent feeling validation! Who knows how many “12-Step Survivors/Refugees” need it! When you part of a cult that is nore focused on telling you how NOT to “feel”, then in acknowldging that many feelings are valid, its nice to see some actual VALIDATION given! Well done!

    • After what all those who have suffered trying to “fake it until you make it” only to be shamed and blamed when they have more integrity than to fake it in perpetuity, it’s the least I can do. You feelings ARE facts when you’re feeling them and they are very informative, especially good to warn genuine people to stay away from the dangerous 12 step cult religion! 😉

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